Premiere A.R.T #1: Source Vibrations
Discover unlimited possibilities with the A.R.T of Source Vibrations: Sound Baths, Sacred Meditations and Movement.
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Not a performance that introduces coping mechanisms...Source Vibrations is a vibrant A.R.T that Amplifies the Magic of your Quantum Being
What are Source Vibrations
Source Vibrations are energizing, grounding and empowering experiences that include immersive sound baths with Tibetan Sound Bowls, powerful Qi Gong sequences, free form dances, sacred meditation, breath work and visualization lead by Architects of Wellness.
A Quantum Technology
As a quantum technology that crystallizes the expansion of your consciousness as a Quantum Being (Abundant, Radiant, Intelligent), Source vibrations is an Amplified Radiance Technique, A.R.T, that ignites rock star confidence, intuitive leadership, the bridge to exceptional relationships and collaboration, stellar innovation and unstoppable momentum of optimal well-being. How? Because, Source Vibrations energize thoughts, emotions, and behaviors that amplify our connection with a great truth: Co-Creation with Source is natural, exciting, true birthright.
On a Physical Level
On a Physical Level, Source Vibrations is an A.R.T that rejuvenates organ systems by improving our blood circulation, immunity, and the process of neuro-regeneration, which is the production and stimulation of refined neural connections and pathways, increasing brain power and our body's circadian rhythm (better REM sleep, lucid dreaming and rest). In essence, Source Vibrations can regulate our blood pressure and nervous system, increasing the energy in our bodies that result in greater productivity, intuitive decision-making, and powerful holistic equilibrium. Daily engagement with Source Vibrations is the foundation of Self Love, and at its center is an operating system that optimizes well-being, producing powerful and magical Architects of Wellness.
Being A Successful Steward of Optimal Well-being
In an era where many beautiful souls work virtually and are constantly indoors, Source Vibrations is a delicious elixir for maximizing personal, interpersonal and quantum growth and development for our Spirit, Body and Mind. Deeply connected to our breath, emotions, thoughts, behaviors, habits and actions, we radiate a profound awareness that commands successful stewardship in our personal lives, relationships and businesses.
A Personal Companion
At The Taste of Love, we know that being an Architect of Wellness is imperative in the fast-paced circuits of our world. This is why we have cultivated an intimate and personal companion that benefits Y.O.U: Your Own Universe. You may be a person who prefers to engage with your A.R.T practice in the privacy of your own home, with headphones, in a quiet or festive cafe, or in the peaceful seclusion of a park surrounded by trees and a calming lake. Or, Your Own Universe could entail weekly parties as in a book club, monthly game nights, pickle ball. All in all, we have sprinkled A.R.T into a comprehensive course entitled: The Abundance Party Course, 40 days of celebrating your true abundance! And, we welcome all to enjoy this Personal Companion. For more information about the Course, follow this link
Building A Global Community
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